Nevada Called for a Balanced Budget Amendment Convention 43 Years Ago But “Congress Ignored Its Duty”

Article V Mandates Congress Call a Convention for Proposing Amendments on the Application of Two-Thirds of the States

Today marks the 43rd anniversary of Nevada’s Article V Application for a Balanced Budget Amendment Convention. The application was published in the Congressional Record on February 8, 1979, fulfilling the Constitution’s requisite 34 state applications to mandate Congress “call” a convention for proposing amendments. In the years since, Congress has failed to perform its duty to call the convention. Since 2016, Congress has ignored the presence of at least 42 Applications.

Over the years, Nevada’s 1979 Balanced Budget Amendment Application has remained relevant. For example, its contention that “…Continuous deficit financing by the Federal Government supports inflationary conditions which adversely affect the national economy and all Americans, particularly those persons with fixed or low income…”

Upon reaching this tragic anniversary, now $30 trillion in debt, David Biddulph, Co-Founder of the Let US Vote for a Balanced Budget Amendment Citizens Campaign, Inc. stated, “If Congress had complied with the Constitution as early as 1979 by calling for the states to draft and the people to ratify a U.S. Balanced Budget Amendment, we could have saved more than $29 trillion in debt and prevented a 70%+ decline in the purchasing power of the dollar.”

“By neglecting its constitutional duty under Article V, Congress has effectively eliminated the right of states to petition the federal government on matters of legitimate concern. In so doing Congress has attempted to silence the voice of the people and dictate national policy without the critical perspective of the states or its citizens,” stated Tom Llewellyn, State Legislative Affairs Director, Let US Vote for a Balanced Budget Amendment Citizens Campaign, Inc. “The use of Article V is key to restoring the balance of power between the states and our federal government as intended in the U.S. Constitution.”

“On behalf of our granddaughters, and future generations, we demand Congress ‘Let US Vote’… soon, on a state-drafted, inflation-fighting, prosperity-producing Balanced Budget Amendment to the United States Constitution,” Biddulph continued. “There is no doubt that Congress has failed in its constitutional duty to count Article V applications. At many times throughout our history, the 34-state threshold was reached, and often surpassed. As states realize Congress’ dereliction of duty, they are joining us in demanding the call to convention. We must get this resolved now – 43 years is too long!”


To learn more about the calls for an Article V Fiscal Responsibility Amendment Convention or to schedule an interview with a Let US Vote for a Balanced Budget Amendment Citizens Campaign, Inc. spokesperson, please contact Mae James at 386-423-4744 or [email protected]

Mae James
Let us Vote for a Balanced Budget Amendment
[email protected]

DAYTONA BEACH, FL, UNITED STATES, February 8, 2022 / —