Tag: Fiscal Responsibility Amendment

Proposing a Fiscal Responsibility Amendment by Dr. Barry Poulson

In his recent article in Human Events, Dr. Barry Poulson observed that “The federal government has incurred deficits and accumulated debt at an unsustainable rate. The statutory fiscal rules enacted to constrain federal spending and debt have been abandoned and the budget process is broken.”  Proposal of a state-led Fiscal Responsibility Amendment ratified by a…

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Stop Inflation by Fixing the Debt Gazette: Time for Everyone to get on Board

Congressman Jodey Arrington (TX-19) is requesting all fellow members of Congress to join him in co-sponsoring a Concurrent resolution (HCR101) which calls for an Inflation-Fighting, Fiscal Responsibility Amendment Convention, and a related bill (HR8419) which establishes the Archivist’s role in counting Article V State Applications. Voters are worried that the reckless spending of Congress will continue to add to the…

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